Thursday, December 2, 2010

Raping the Land..... WHO gave them permission? And WHO will stop them? Chanukah Sameach.

Day after day after day, month after month, year after year, Arabs dig deep into our ground, taking out our most beautiful limestone, our precious white or pink Jerusalem stone that adorns the most elegant buildings worldwide, and sell it to the highest bidders everywhere, thereby enriching themselves at our expense; Jerusalem stone is a highly prized commodity which belongs to the Jewish People, as bequeathed by G-d Himself. Remember, we received the WHOLE LAND: not just above ground, but below ground as well!

So, little by little, our beautiful limestone is being depleted, not to mention the horrendous environmental disaster produced by their careless, loveless plunder.

What else is being depleted? We already mentioned water. What about gas? What about oil being discovered as we speak? WHO will benefit the most? Is it Am Yisrael, or will it be greedy foreigners and their traitorous partners in Israel?

Do you remember that Lebanon is part of Eretz Yisrael? That Jordan is part of Eretz Yisrael? WHO gave those nations permission to rape our Land? Shall we remain silent as our eternal inheritance is being robbed, plundered, stolen, and sold to willing buyers? Do you realize that simply buying Jerusalem stone makes you an unwitting partner in the crime of rape of the Holy Land?

This only scratches the surface of the problem. More to come later.

Chanukah Sameach


Thursday, September 30, 2010

Tefillat Hageshem: Prayer for Rain

Today was Shemini Atzeret, the last day of our month-long holiday season ( combined in Israel with Simchat Torah, while in the Galut an extra day is added for Simchat Torah - I don't like the dichotomy, but that is another story). On that day, Jews the world over pray for rain: rain for the Land of Israel, rain that is so scarce at times that the ground is parched.....we pray for God to open His stores of bounty for His people.

So here is the text of the prayer we said today in the synagogue, in Hebrew, in front of the opened Ark. May God listen to our prayers and grant us plentiful rain this year: we really, really need it!

"Tefilat Geshem" - The Prayer for Rain

( from ArtScroll Sukkot Machzor)

"Af-Bri is designated as the name of the angel of rain; to thicken and to form clouds, to empty them and to cause rain.

Water with which to crown the valley's vegetation may it not be withheld because of our unredeemed debt.

In the merit of the faithful Patriarchs protect the ones who pray for rain.

Blessed are You, HASHEM, Shield of Abraham.
You are eternally mighty, my Lord, the Resuscitator of the dead are You; abundantly able to save.

May He obligate [the Angel Af-Bri] to give us portions of the segregated rain, to soften the wasteland's face when it is dry as rock.

With water You symbolized Your might in Scripture, to soothe with its drops those in whom was blown a soul, to keep alive the ones who recall the strengths of the rain."

G-d is implored to provide healthful rain to us in the merit of our forefathers and other great leaders of Israel, in connection with whom water-related verses are cited:

"Our God and the God of our forefathers:

Remember the Patriarch [Abraham], who was drawn behind You like water. You blessed him like a tree replanted alongside streams of water. You shielded him, You rescued him from fire and from water. You tested him when he sowed upon all waters.

  For his sake, do not hold water back!

Remember the one [Isaac] born with the tidings of, 'Let some water be brought. ' You told his father to slaughter him - to spill his blood like, water. He too was scrupulous to pour his heart like water. He dug and discovered wells of water.

  For the sake of his righteousness, grant abundant water!

Remember the one [Jacob] who carried his staff
and crossed the Jordan's water.
He dedicated his heart and rolled a stone
off the mouth of a well of water,
as when he was wrestled by an angel composed of fire and water.
Therefore You pledged to remain with him through fire and water.

  For his sake, do not hold water back!

Remember the one [Moses] drawn forth in a bulrush basket from the water. They said, 'He drew water and provided the sheep with water.' At the time Your treasured people thirsted for water, he struck the rock and out came water.

  For the sake of his righteousness, grant abundant water!

Remember the appointee [Aaron] over the Temple, who made five immersions in the water. He went to cleanse his hands through sanctification with water. He called out and sprinkled [blood bringing] purity as with water. He remained apart from a people of waterlike impetuosity.

 For his sake, do not hold water back!

Remember the twelve tribes You caused
to cross through the split waters,
for whom You sweetened the water's bitter taste.
Their offspring whose blood was spilt for You like water.
Turn to us - for woes engulf our souls like water.

  For the sake of their righteousness, grant abundant water!

For You are HASHEM, our God,

Who makes the wind blow and makes the rain descend.

For blessing and not for curse.
  For life and not for death.
  For plenty and not for scarcity.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Water: in Israel it is always our problem; but it is a man-made problem, created by thieving marauders and a government more concerned about its coffers than about its people....

  If you do a search on ISRAEL TRUTH TIMES with the word 'water', you will find many articles devoted to this topic.

Here are the first and last articles about water, reprinted on Beautiful Garden of Petach Gan Eden.


Water: finally some action. B"H! And thank you, MK Uzi Landau.

Pirate Arab Water Connections Detached

Elul 19, 5770, 29 August 10 03:28
by Hillel Fendel
( Over 200 Arab pirate connections to Israel’s main water lines, siphoning off water to PA Arabs who do not pay, have been detached in a joint police-Mekorot action.
Mekorot Water Company workers, under close police protection, have completed an operation disconnecting 230 pirate Arab connections to Israel’s main water lines. The connections siphoned off much-needed water for the benefit of Palestinian Authority Arabs, who thus avoided paying for the commodity.
In addition, the IDF’s Judea Region destroyed several small reservoirs in which stolen water was gathered in the Kiryat Arba-Hevron region.
On yet another front in the war against water thieves, police have begun laying ambushes, making several arrests and confiscating over 85,000 meters (53 miles) of piping used to pipe the stolen H2O to Arab fields and homes.
Infrastructures Minister Uzi Landau, who gave the order to take a stronger hand against the water thefts, expressed his satisfaction with the cooperation among the various bodies. “We plan to continue working to stop all water piracy, which affects the lives of all residents in the region," he added.
Residents of Kiryat Arba and neighboring communities, and Arabs as well, have suffered from lack of water in their faucets on numerous occasions, especially on especially hot days. The army has been frequently forced to deliver water to the towns. It has also been noticed, at the same time, that Arab fields along the roads of Judea appear to be extra green and thriving.
“Water theft is a grave phenomenon,” Landau said, “and it most manifest in Judea and Samaria. We have to deal with it seriously, especially in a country like ours where water is so precious.”
In a related item, the level of the Kinneret (Sea of Galilee), Israel’s main water reservoir, is in the midst of its customary summer drop. It now stands at approximately 213.5 meters below sea level – slightly more than half a meter higher than it was last year at this time. However, it is also a half-meter below the level beyond which authorities strive not to let it drop.


We have been publicizing and complaining about this issue for over two years now

even taking pictures of green fields of the Arabs in Bet-Omar in the midst of severe drought two years ago...

It is nice to know that somebody is finally listening, and realizing what a devastating impact tolerance of this water robbery is having on Jewish life in Israel.