Parshat Balak: Are Benedikt and Obama Bilaam and Balak's gilgulim? An old post revisited, with corrections and updates
Here is the earlier version:
Parshat Balak: Are Benedikt and Obama Bilaam and Balak's gilgulim? An old post revisited, with corrections and updates
Here is the earlier version:
think the general idea was correct, but the actors were wrong. The
Torah and the Midrash tell us that Bilaam was a grandson of Lavan, and
some say he was Lavan's gilgul. Lavan means WHITE. This pope is all
white. Bilaam was from Babylon/ Aram Naharaim. Catholicism is a
Babylonian religion. He was a great philosopher, just like this pope,
and a great sorcerer, just like this pope. He hated Jews with a passion,
just like this pope.
Balak was half Moabite, half Midianite - just like this mulatto
president; he was not of royal origin, in fact was a foreigner who was
chosen to be king over Moab better to fight the Israelites - just like
this president, who is NOT a natural American citizen, but was promoted
out of the blue by secret supporters, Soros/ CFR types, and was chosen,
it seems ultimately, so he could cause Am Yisrael more trouble; he also
hates the Jews and Israel with a passion, actually just today invited
Muslim Brotherhood Egyptian president to visit him in America. Balak was
a great general; this Obama, recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, can't
stop running from one war to another. Barak's name has MOAB in it, and
also Hussein, just like the present -day king of Moab, which is part of
Jordan ( the other part is Eretz Yisrael, and Edom too). And just like
Benedikt he is a sorcerer in his own right, he knows how to mesmerize
crowds and charm people through words and lies.
Together Bilaam and Balak hoped to curse Israel, but failed.
the end Bilaam perished; however he managed to advise Balak to get
Midianite - black - women - to entice the Israelites to worship their
foreign gods. In that they succeeded. As a result 24,000 Jews died in a
plague until Pinchas came along....End of story next parsha.
Here is a dialogue I had with Dov-Bear Bar Leib about Balak-Balaam, and their gilgulim.
me: What I see is with Clinton coming, the Medinah is upping the ante against us.
Dov: Have you checked the Euro lately?
You should. It is at an all time low
me: OK. you write about the Euro, I write about the developments.
Trying to deJudaize Israel some more
More Falash Mura brought in
Exam in the schools full of Catholicism
The fence
The assault against Judaism is all out once more, just worse
Dov: The developments will mean nothing if the Euro collapses. There are 14 days of Nekorot and nine days of Tohu.
me: What is Nekorot?
How could it mean nothing? Since when do they care?
Dov: Nekorot
are the slams of a battering ram on the keilim that make up the world
of sheker. The battering ram entered the city on Friday afternoon.
city of spiritual Rome has been breached. Watch the battering ram at
work until Rosh Chodesh. The Euro is at 1.226 as we speak.
me: How would you know that the city of spiritual Rome has been breached?
Dov: because of a conversation that I am going to have with Rav Winston tonight.
in about ten minutes
me: Going to have???
Dov: We had the same conversation about 5 years ago. I just need to clarify some matters.
Nekorot is from the shoresh to gouge or to peck
The woodpecker pecks away at the tree. It finally breaches the hard outer layer and the wood underneath is soft.
me: Yes. OK, so the battering ram battered Yerushalayim, right?
Dov: on the 17th
me: But now you are saying Rome is being battered. What is the evidence to that?
Dov: The Euro fell below 1.23. It is at an all time low.
me: So what does THAT have to do with the angel of Esav, Samael?
You are saying he is being beaten as of today
Dov: The Euro is the Ayin ra
Dov: It is the essence of the Ayin Ra.
me: Again, that is YOUR interpretation. Very nice, but who is to say true????
Dov: Something
I figured out 14 years ago. When I was learning a peirush on the last
currency of Edom will be the currency of the Ayin Ra. And Euro is
roshei hateivot for Ayin Ra.
I checked it out with the Skulier Rebbe years ago. He was maskim.
me: Anyway
, first of
all there is no proof it is the last currency of Edom! The British pound
is still standing too. And so is the dollar
me: And the DOLLAR has the AYIN on it, NOT the Euro.
Actually I was reading about Parshat Balak yesterday. Very connected to the all-seeing eye on the dollar.
Dov: The Euro is the last one to be introduced.
When I said last i mean the last currency to be introduced into Edom
Dov: The other currencies are much older.
me: Not the last currency to fall???
Dov: nope not necessarily.
me: There could be more, who is to say
And the dollar does have a strong connection to the Ayin Ra, and it is not falling yet, not quite yet
Dov: It represents that ancient alliance between Germany and the Catholic Church, one of your favorite topics
me: What, the Euro, or the dollar?
Dov: the Euro
me: How is that?
Dov: It unifies The Deutschmark with the other currencies in Europe including the Italian Lira which was the currency of the Vatican.
Dov: And the Talmud says that when there is unity between a united Germany and The Vatican, Amalek goes forth to destroy the world.
me: Agreed about that. And they are. Now.
But who is to say they are stopping because of your theory about the Ayin Ra???
Dov: correct. Rome now has a German pope and an Italian central banker.
stopping what?
me: It has everything to do with Parshat Balak. I wrote a post a couple of years ago.
Will continue this thread in a minute,
You say that the spiritual wall of Rome has been breached,
Stopping to destroy the world because they are being destroyed.
That is a strong statement you are making. With very flimsy evidence, sorry to say
Dov: yes,
it is broken. Now that the Euro has broken the 1.23 barrier, it is
becoming a joke. ok, we will see better over the next couple of days.
It will become clearer then.
me: But what I was about to tell you, and I am repeating that - you see I pull old rabbits out of hats too -
believe that Bilaam and Balak are being reincarnated today. Just like
Bilaam was the gilgul of Lavan, today the gilgul of Bilaam is Benedikt,
as white as they come, a sorcerer, the babylonian sorcerer. And Balak is
reincarnated - the half Moabite half Midianite who wasn't even Moab's
citizen but they made him king anyway to destroy Israel, the other
magician, with the name OBAMA, from MOAB, is BALAK _ BARAK, with Hussein
for good measure, just as proof. They have made an alliance to destroy
Israel, getting the other nations to join them, using magic, trying to
sever our connection to Hashem in so many ways, inducing us to
immorality, wanting to reduce our numbers, all the wishes of Balak and
Will it end like Bilaam and Balak? Benedikt is the philosopher, the brilliant writer, the visionary, with the evil eye.
Balak is the king with the armies
the general of generals
just during Parshat Balak they are intensifying the attack, with
Clinton coming here, introducing Xtianity in schools, removing Jews from
holy places, etc. Surprised they don't have a love parade right in the
middle of Jerusalem with naked people everywhere.
Dov: We
will likely see shvirat hakeilim until the end of Tamuz now. So by
Rosh Chodesh Av, pray that all these annoyances will be mute. Let us
wait and see. We will have a better idea over the next couple of days.
me:What do you mean by seeing Shvirat hakeilim?
Dov: Benedikt is Bilaam and who is Balak?
me: OBAMA of MOAB, same letters. With the name Hussein for good measure, just in case we didn't notice his connection to the Land of Moab/ Jordan
Dov: wow. even has the same letters
me: Yes. And Balak was half Moabite, half MIDIANITE! Same color as Barak
And, Barak - Balak, same letters almost
Clear alliance between those two.
Barak and Benedikt
Dov: yes, etymologically, Barack and Balak are the same.
me: Both names Barak and Benedikt, start with B too.
Benedikt is very LAVAN, with Babylonian religion. Bilaam was from Aram
Naharaim, the grandson of Lavan, they say, and/ or his gilgul. I say he
is the gilgul of Lavan and Bilaam
While Barak is the gilgul of Balak
Both sorcerers, Bilaam
great philosopher, just like this pope, but for evil. Both hate the
Jews with a passion and want to destroy us, have a strong alliance.
And the Ayin Ra prominently displayed. Just like with the Euro, the dollar. But Bilaam is the prophet with the seeing open eye
Ayin Ra as you say
Dov: The dollar is a bit different. America at its core has a covenant with G-d to build Olam HaZeh
me: OK, fine, but meanwhile you
are mentioning the Ayin Ra,. and Bilaam is all about Ayin Ra
Dov: to serve Him to the 33rd level in order to prosper.
America is the Golden Calf not the Evil Eye
me: OK, but on the dollar bill, which is NOT America, remember, it is the Federal Reserve, which is from the Vatican
The bankers are all connected to Rome, and the dollar bill is a Federal Reserve note
Dov: America will be destroyed on the 17th of Tamuz in the future. It is possible that the Euro will be destroyed this year.
me: You don't get what I am saying
Dov: yes, I read about the Federal Reserve being under Vatican control
me: I am saying that this Parsha is connected to the Ayin Ra. just as you mentioned the Ayin Ra and the Euro in current events.
And that those two are connected to these events through the Parsha too
Dov: yes, I can see how Obama might be Balak. That seems possible.
me: Obama and Benedikt. You see the Euro falling,
So just as they failed in parshat Balak, they seem to be failing too, as you imply
Dov: Yes, they will fail by Tisha B'Av. It will all backfire.
Obama will survive this for now. The Euro will not
me: Just like Balak survived but not Bilaam
me: And Balak brought the Midianite women to seduce Am Yisrael and win. What will Barak pull out of his hat? Gay men?
me: I know! Midianite women! Naked black Sudanese in Tel-Aviv brothels, etc!
To seduce Jewish men
like Athens is full of Nigerian prostitutes, now we will have the
Eritrean prostitutes in the streets of Israel, who will entice the
Jewish men to worship their gods. What do you say?
Even better;
FALASH MURA ARE XTIANS, NOT JEWS.. This is the Midianite ploy all over.
Who will fall for it?
Dov: It
is amazing that somehow we survive through all this, for all intents
and purposes we should not be here. This is why, I say when all looks
lost like it does right now, and Barry Chamish sees checkmate, this is
when the yeshua occurs.
Dov: The
Sudanese have served one big purpose. Non-Erev Rav Jews in Tel Aviv
can now look with disgust at their Erev Rav masters who tell them to
simply be tolerant of the invasion.
It has served its purpose.
me: Yes.
But isn't it amazing that just during this parsha they speak about
bringing Falash Mura, black non-Jews, to MINGLE with Jews, not just
Sudanese who are clearly foreigners. They want to pull a ploy. and pass
these schwarzes as Jews, so real Jews will mingle with them!
Falash Mura are converted Ethiopian Jews, they are NOT Jewish
Dov: The Ethiopian Jews themselves know that the Falash Mura in many cases may not be Jews. I remember this story from years ago.
me: The
Sudanese ploy didn't work, so now they are bringing the Falash Mura;
many Israelis like black women, and if they think Ethiopian
they think Jewish.
Dov: We have been through this before. We have 200,000 Russian goyim here?
me: Exactly. Anything to dilute Judaism. But here there is
deception too. Most Israelis I don't believe know that the Falash Mura
are goyim, do they?
So many will intermarry, or just sleep with the girls,
the Midianite episode all over, complete with black women
The question is, will we have a Zimri here?
And, the question is, WHEN do they intend to bring them? they said it would be over by 2014. But when do they plan to begin?
Clinton coming, I have a feeling it will be right away. This must be
part of the plan 'suggested ' by Barak/ Balak, plan HATCHED in ROME by
Bilaam the sorcerer.
Dov: Well
all seems lost. But G-d is quicker. The incompetents here are not
running the show. He is about to unseat the inmates running the asylum.
I am going to give this the three weeks that it deserves. And then we
will banter either about a hidden miracle or the destruction of the
state.Plus many Falash Mura are Marranos. The problem is that they are mixed in with those who are not.
me: Yes. True.
There are quite a few Ethiopian goyim in the mix
Will the rabbis expose this? Will they force them to convert to be accepted as Jews?
And how many of those conversions will be sincere? Or are we just going to add Erev Rav layer upon Erev Rav layer???
Dov: Sit
back and reflect. At the turn of the 1900s there were about 100,000
Jews here. Now there are about 6 million. We are coming from a
tumultuous exile of so many parts and countries. Somehow G-d is keeping
track. Anyway good night for now.
me: Good night.